Healing Through the Birth Chart

3 Keys to Transforming Your Life with Astrology


Matthew "Merlin" Kenney

Classical Astrologer, Ceremonial Magician, Translator of Ancient Greek and Sanskrit, Journeyman Herbalist, and Energy Healer


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FREE 90-Min Webinar!


Led By Matthew "Merlin" Kenney

Classical Astrologer, Ceremonial Magician, Translator of Ancient Greek and Sanskrit


The live webinar took place on August 14th. Sign up to watch the informative replay!


CLICK HERE to learn more about Matthew Merlin's upcoming course: GNOSIS: A Four-Month Intensive in Predictive Astrology, Magical Development, and Astrological Magic beginning August 23, 2024.

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The lost practical wisdom of astrology is calling to you.

Once utilized by priests, doctors, poets, and magicians for millennia, the sacred gift of astrology not only reveals the destiny of your soul, but also shows you practices and magical remedies you can employ to transform your life and manifest the support your spirit needs to accomplish its mission.

Just as the stars above helped ancient peoples navigate their journeys with precision and peaceful clarity, so too can the stars in your birth chart help you navigate your life, stay true to your purpose, and prepare you for the encounters you’ll face on the way. 


 It’s time to align with your stars.


In this 60-minute complimentary webinar, Matthew Merlin brings the vision of the ancient astrologers to life in a clear, practical way. Drawing on his expertise as a practicing traditional astrologer, ceremonial magician, and translator of ancient Greek and Sanskrit, he’ll show you how you can utilize your natal chart the way it was originally meant to be used: as a tool for knowing your destiny, healing your psyche, and manifesting the life your spirit is aiming for. 


  • Discover the original vision of astrology as a complete spiritual practice for manifestation and spiritual growth
  • Learn some of the major pitfall people fall into as they try and use astrology practically
  • Learn how to practice the lost practical component of astrology for healing the birth chart 
  • Discover the ceremonial, shamanic side of astrology and begin communing with your spirit allies in the stars.
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What other students say about Matthew Merlin:

"Merlin is to the point in his development as a counselor/spiritual teacher that he affects your energetic bodies positively just by being in his presence. The more I work with him, the more it seems that the sky is the limit for healing as well as life possibilities that seemed completely unreachable before. It is truly miraculous."

Rose T

"Merlin, I am absolutely blown away by the incredible amount of knowledge that you hold. I am thankful that you are doing all of the work that you do. I am so grateful for the Gnosis group. The lessons that I have learned cannot be valued by dollars. Gnosis initiated me into one of the oldest spiritual practices that exists -- the ancient study of Hellenistic astrology; and for that I am forever grateful. I cannot wait for the next round to begin!"

Marissa M

"Working with Merlin is like having a direct line to the Ancients themselves. His extensive knowledge of the classical texts made me feel like I was studying the mysteries in an Elysian temple. I felt like I was studying under Plato himself. I knew I was in really good hands."

Kristina B

Meet Matthew "Merlin" Kenney in his words...

I’m a practicing predictive astrologer and ritual magician. My passion is practicing and teaching horoscopic astrology, ritual magic, and spiritual practice.

In my undergrad I studied classical philosophy and linguistics, and I also read Ancient Greek, Latin, and Sanskrit, and utilize the insights that ancient authors provided in my practice I’ve given lectures at Kepler College, The Academy of Oracle Arts, and Nightlight Astrology. 

When I began seeking out ancient teachings of astrology and magic, I spent years groping in the dark, unable to go beyond beginner-level ritual magic and astrological knowledge.

I also found that many astrologers don't know how to do anything practical with the natal chart. The practical elements of astrology – remediation, ritual magic – that bring real transformation aren’t employed. People could diagnose with a chart, but they couldn’t heal. 

So I decided to do things differently - to reintegrate the practices of magic and astrology in order to make it a powerful tool for transformation and healing. 

To start, I went directly to the predictive astrology of the ancients. I studied the greatest texts in astrology and astrological magic. I integrated practical elements into my astrological practice that transformed the lives of my clients.

 I incorporated the astrological wisdom with the magical traditions of the east. I began practicing internal alchemy, meditation, internal martial arts, and more. I became an initiate of the Daoist Dragon Gate Sect. I started strengthening magical faculties like astral projection, seeing spirits, and other staple skills of the mage.

 And I started practicing astrological ritual magic as the ancients practiced it, and it works! Alongside the help of our spirit allies, I've been able to manifest a sustainable 6-figure income, 12.5 acres of mature oak forest & healing mineral springs, a blissful, adventure-filled marriage, and more!

I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that if you begin studying and practicing magic and astrology this way...

 ...if you integrate the teachings and wisdom of the ancients, empowering your magical energy and connecting with the deities of the heavens...'ll see the same transformation in your own life too.