Portal Healing

Discover the Power of the Sun Portal’s Healing Energy

(Grandmother Two Clouds)

Renowned Healer, Medicine Woman, Elder and Teacher


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with Renowned Healer, Medicine Woman, Elder and Teacher





The live webinar already took place. Sign up to watch the powerful replay!

CLICK HERE to learn more about Marza’s upcoming course "Portals of Light" beginning September 12, 2024.

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Unlock the Power of the Sun Portal

The healing power of the sun portal has become a precious and often overlooked resource in our modern world.

The sun is a powerful source of ancient wisdom and spiritual connections.

As light pollution dims our night skies and air pollution filters our daylight, it's more crucial than ever to reconnect with the sun portal’s natural rhythm and learn the cosmic rites of the sun portal. 

In this complimentary webinar, Marza Millar will guide us in remembering the ancient wisdom in using the sun portal and moon portal. As above so below.

This webinar will also reveal how different geographical locations uniquely capture and transmit the sun portal’s energy, and why understanding these subtle variations is key to harnessing light's full potential for healing renewal and spiritual  practices.

Discover how to tap into this ancient, freely available gift–right where you are, by learning to use the ancient rituals of the sun to bring a balance into your life or use as a healing skills for others.

You will also learn how sunlight at different places and times, sunrise and sunset for example, influence our neurochemistry, hormonal balance, and more.

We will explore what it means to be a lightworker, providing insights into the spiritual commitments that you can carry forward into your healing practice.

Learn to harness the power of light for mental clarity, health, and harmony with all that is. Hone your senses so that you can consciously open yourself to healing rays while protecting yourself from harmful influences. We will also learn hands-on healing techniques to channel light energy, visualize light transmissions, and work with geographical light portals.


How to harness the sun’s transmissions and bring primordial light into your physical body



How to harmonize with chemical changes in our bodies that occur at sunrise and sunset


How to work with the light in your geographical area and understand the unique light qualities of various geographical destinations

How to use of primordial light and the 8 chakras



The impact of blue light on circadian rhythms and how to mitigate its effects


Techniques for hands-on healing work using light energy


Sneak Peak: Learn more about Marza's upcoming signature course "Portals of Light" beginning September 12, 2024, where you will learn to work with portals of the earth and the cosmos to construct your ritual work, plus take steps towards ordination as hands-on healers in the Church of the Essence.

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Meet Marza Millar




Marza Millar (Grandmother Two Clouds), a Renowned Healer, Medicine Woman, Elder and Teacher, is actively nurturing a growing community of light workers who bring healing and transformation to a world in need.

Her passion is empowering individuals to discover and harness their innate spiritual gifts. Through decades of teaching and spiritual practice, she has woven threads of ancient wisdom and modern techniques into a tapestry of offerings that bridge the realms of spirit and Earth.

In Marza’s Own Words

My path has always been illuminated by the healing power of light. For decades, I've been deeply connected to this energy, leading pilgrimages to sacred light portals around the world. I've watched in awe as seekers experience the unique vibrations of these special places and undergo profound transformations.

During the pandemic, when travel was more difficult, Isis urged me to bring my teachings online. At first, I was hesitant. How could we capture the essence of sacred light transmissions virtually? But as I connected with students who felt isolated and afraid, I realized the immense power of this work, even when delivered in digital format.

Together, we learned to channel the sun's energy and become living light portals ourselves. It was beautiful to see my students not only heal their own wounds but also share this healing light with others, creating ripples of hope during such challenging times. Whether in person or online, my passion remains the same--empowering others to discover their innate gifts and channel the transformative power of light.


What previous students say about Marza's courses


“Marza is engaging, inspiring, and carries ancient wisdom.”

Dixie H


“I have learned so much about the old ways of living in co-creation with our planet from Marza - it is a vast understatement to say it has changed my life! Marza’s way of sharing her knowledge through sitting in circle, storytelling and dirt time are a testament to her understanding of the Earth and Earth-based traditions - what she has taught me couldn't be read in books or heard in lectures.”

Tiffany H

“The Earth Wisdom apprenticeship class expanded my capabilities in comprehending and implementing deeper healing in myself, loved ones and clients. Marza gently encourages students in expanding their knowledge and perceptions by learning frequency medicine in harmony with the plant medicines, mineral beings and shamanic practices. The hours invested in the classroom, lab and on field trips birthed within me a profound life changing realignment with the energies of the Earth. With Marza's guidance I got my feet back on the ground, expanded my heart and walk Mother Earth with a renewed spirit."

Andrea R


"I have been a spiritual guide and teacher for over 20 years, and I have found Marza Millar to be one of the wisest and most powerful teachers I have ever encountered. Having been on several sacred journeys with Marza, I have complete and total trust in her guidance, her teaching and her capabilities. She has taken me to places both physically and spiritually that I had never been before, and has greatly enriched my life in the process.. Among her many talents, is an ability to make people feel safe while expanding their consciousness - a mark of a great healer and teacher. Above all, she is deeply committed to helping others wholeheartedly, with tremendous compassion and humility. I always look forward to my next experience with Marza, knowing that it will expand the world as I know it and enhance my sense of my own self."



“I have been studying with Marza for the past three years. She has not only taught me an incredible amount about herbs and energetic medicine, but she has also deepened my relationship with the earth and myself. I have never been in a class that has had such a great impact on every aspect of my life. She truly embodies her teachings and is a powerful medicine woman that is a blessing to those that sit with her.”


“The light that surrounds us is a powerful ally in the spiritual work we do. By attuning ourselves to its rhythms and qualities, we can unlock deep healing in our bodies, minds, and souls. Let us celebrate the sun’s boundless radiance that embraces all, and let us steward it well  in these challenging times.”


Marza Millar


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