A Live Online Course


Portals of Light

Unlock Your Spiritual Gifts
and Embrace Your Sacred Calling


(Grandmother Two Clouds: Renowned Healer, Medicine Woman, Elder and Teacher) 


On Thursdays, starting September 12, 2024



6 Months | 13 Two-Hour Classes over Zoom

Private Community Group + Lifetime Access to Replays

Sign Up for Marza's FREE webinar "Portal Healing: Discover the Sun Portal's Healing Energy"

Are you ready to unlock your full potential and discover how you can serve humanity during this time of great transformation?

Are you ready to discover which intuitive gifts are yours to nurture and develop and what role you are meant to play in this moment of planetary awakening?

The world needs healers, visionaries, and light-bearers like you to see us through these times of shifting realities.

Explore your soul’s gifts for six illuminating months with elder and medicine woman Marza Millar. This comprehensive program will immerse you in metaphysical disciplines ranging from energy reading and plant medicine to cosmic communication, whether you go on to prepare for ordination or wish to elevate your daily spiritual practice. 

Hone your innate psychic abilities, master diverse oracular techniques, and unearth your unique spiritual gifts alongside fellow seekers.

Emerge ready to navigate life's challenges with newfound clarity and purpose, equipped to play your part in humanity's awakening.

Whether you're drawn to a vocation such as spiritual counseling, energy healing, or ceremonial leadership or simply looking to live a more awakened life, this course will help you find your path and equip you with tools to walk it with confidence.

You will cultivate a deep connection with the natural world and elemental forces, and you will enhance your intuitive abilities to navigate life’s challenges with greater ease.

Upon completion of this course, you also have the opportunity to become Ordained as a Minister with Marza's Church of the Essence.

Use your natural empathic abilities to bring healing to others

When you emerge from this six-month chrysalis of spiritual awakening, you will have a heart-centered spiritual practice that grounds and empowers you daily.


You will learn to:

  • Communicate with spirit guides and star beings that provide higher wisdom
  • Perform powerful rituals and ceremonies for personal and collective healing
  • Provide compassionate guidance based on accurate readings of the energy fields
  • Protect and cleanse your own energy as you work with others


Marza Millar (Grandmother Two Clouds), a Renowned Healer, Medicine Woman, Elder and Teacher, is passionate about empowering individuals to discover and harness their innate spiritual gifts. Through decades of teaching and spiritual practice, she has woven threads of ancient wisdom and modern metaphysical techniques into a rich tapestry of offerings that bridge the realms of spirit and Earth.

By sharing her knowledge and experiences in Portals of Light, Marza continues to nurture a growing community of light workers, each equipped to bring healing and transformation to a world in need.

Read full bio below.

"This course is the culmination of decades of spiritual work and teaching. It's everything I wish I had known when I first started on this path."
- Marza Millar

What will become possible when you learn to read the subtle energies around you with clarity and confidence?

Completing this course will expose you to a range of potential directions for your continued growth so that you can gain clarity on areas where your light is most needed. It will open pathways to further specialized training in areas like birth and death midwifery, plant medicine, celestial navigation, vibrational medicine, and more.

Portals of Light with Marza Millar will be your sanctuary and your soul’s playground as you explore answers to these questions. Over six transformative months, you will explore a living library of mystical traditions and divinatory arts, from energy work and crystal healing to advanced tracking and cosmic communication. 




MODULE 1 | The Alchemical Altar

Discover how to prepare yourself to receive nature's alchemical codes. Learn to create and maintain both internal and external altars, serving as focal points for your spiritual practice. Develop your empathic skills, laying the foundation for deeper intuitive work.


MODULE 2 | Empathic Oracle Reading

Dive deep into the art of reading energy cords, interpreting images, and clinically tracking disease patterns. Master the skill of reading cord attachments, enhancing your ability to provide insightful and accurate readings.


MODULE 3 | Cleaning the Cords

Learn powerful techniques for energetic cleansing, including sexual root extractions from the womb and "cleaning the basket." Discover methods to fine-tune your body's energy, creating a clearer channel for your intuitive abilities.


MODULE 4 | Harmonics

Explore the use of polarity therapy and biofield tuning to bring balance and harmony to the energy body. Learn specific techniques for working with coma patients, expanding your ability to help those in altered states of consciousness.


MODULE 5 | The Pyramid Field

Uncover the mysteries and practical applications of pyramid energy. Learn how to use pyramids for therapeutic purposes and create energy containment fields. Delve into the ancient wisdom of pyramid power and its modern applications.


MODULE 6 | The Legacy

Explore the concept of the Legacy of Light and the Law of 7 Generations. Develop advanced tracking skills to perceive patterns across time and generations. Learn how to work with ancestral energy and create positive legacies.

MODULE 7 | Polarity and Power

Learn to harmonize with natural polarity and create power sigils. Discover techniques to strengthen your body's defensive shield and protect against negative energies. Gain insights into dark arts defense, empowering you to maintain energetic integrity.

MODULE 8 | The Tools

Get introduced to various extraction techniques and tools, including the Blue Needle, Portal Key, Athame, Sword, Chalice, Extraction Crystal, Vogel Crystal, and Pineal Tuning Fork. Learn how to use each tool effectively in your spiritual and healing practices.


MODULE 9 |The Crystalline Matrix

Explore oracular tracking within the Crystalline Matrix. Deepen your understanding of the cosmic law of "Sky Above, Earth Below" and how it relates to your intuitive abilities.


MODULE 10 | The Great Mystery and Threshold

Journey into the Great Mystery and develop advanced tracking skills in the unseen realms. Learn advanced magical self-defense techniques to protect yourself as you explore deeper spiritual territories.


MODULE 11 | The Vision

Develop your oracular sight and learn to vision into destiny. Navigate oracular sight within prophecy lines, enhancing your ability to perceive potential futures and guide others.


MODULE 12 | The Star Nations

Explore CE5 (Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind) contact protocols. Learn to establish connections with beings from Orion, Sirius, and the Pleiades, expanding your cosmic awareness.


MODULE 13 | The Warriors of Light

Undergo a final initiation and light activation. Master advanced oracular transmission techniques for shaping future destiny within prophecy lines. Prepare for potential ordination into the Light, marking your emergence as a spiritual leader and guide.


All live classes will be recorded.
You will have lifetime access to recorded classes + material.


Schedule of Classes

All classes are on Thursdays from 6:00pm - 8:00pm Pacific Time

  • Thu, September 12, 2024
  • Thu, October 17, 2024
  • Thu, October 24, 2024
  • Thu, November 7, 2024
  • Thu, December 5, 2024
  • Thu, December 19, 2024
  • Thu, January 9, 2025
  • Thu, January 23, 2025
  • Thu, February 6, 2025
  • Thu, February 20, 2025
  • Thu, March 6, 2025
  • Thu, March 20, 2025
  • Thu, March 27, 2025

Optional: Ordination Licencing Class

If you feel a deeper calling to serve, upon completing this class, you can obtain a ministerial ordination certification after attending an additional 4-hour licensing class (exact date and time to-be-announced).

Your Path to Ordination

If you feel a deeper calling to serve, upon completing this class, you can obtain a ministerial ordination certification after attending an additional 4-hour licensing class (exact time to-be-announced).
This certification allows you to provide spiritual counseling, hands-on healing, legal marriages, legal burials, and a full range of pastoral ministry services.
The Church of the Essence, founded in Nevada City, CA, has been offering healing, pastoral counseling, and support to ministers in the field since 1979. We have offices in California and New York. The Church of the Essence is a nonprofit organization and a non-denominational church.
Our community is built on the principles of love, compassion, and spiritual growth. We believe that everyone has a unique path to walk and a unique way to serve. Our ordination program is designed to help you discover and develop your spiritual gifts so you can make a meaningful impact in the world.
As an ordained minister with the Church of the Essence, you will join a network of like-minded individuals dedicated to spreading healing and light. Our extensive support system includes ongoing training, resources, and opportunities for fellowship, ensuring you are well-equipped to serve your community.
Whether your calling leads you to work within a church, a hospital, a community center, or another setting, the Church of the Essence is here to support you every step of the way. Embrace your path and let us help you fulfill your spiritual mission.

Learn more about Marza Millar

BSN, MA - Clinical Herbalist, Somatic and Energy Healer, Registered Hypnotherapist, Certified Massage Therapist, Ceremonialist

Of Ojibwe and Scottish descent, Marza has been steeped in medicine ways since birth. She has been formally educated in both allopathic (western medicine as a nurse) and alternative medicine.

Marza specializes as a medical intuitive and empath, herbalist, healer, and medicine woman. She also uses her clairvoyant skills to do readings and navigate her medicine ways. She specializes in Vibrational Biodynamic Medicine, Biofield Tuning, Hypnotherapy, Plant Spirit Medicine, Vibrational Somatics, and Wildcrafted Handmade Herbal Medicines, Geopathics, Geomancy, Somatic Healing, Soul Retrieval, and Life Coaching. She uses her empathic gifts along with her somatic, alternative, and allopathic education to offer life-changing educational experiences in mind, body, and spirit medicine.

Marza’s work has taken her deep into the Andes to work with the Inca Elders, into the Arctic Circle to work with the Siberian Yupick, and to the tops of the Hopi Mesa's, and deep into the Temples of Egypt. She is known nationally and internationally for her teachings and healing skills. She holds the woman's fireplace of the sweat lodge and vision quest at the linage fire of the Star Clan.

She formulated Rebel Alchemy and Ancient Earth Apothecary, a line of Biodynamic Vibrational Medicine. She also owns an herbal and vibrational medicine school in Nevada City and teaches vibrational medicine at Damanhur in Italy.

Currently ministering in Nevada City, CA and in Upstate New York, she holds the fireplace of the Star Clan Linage Fire. She is Directing Minister of the Church of the Essence.

What previous students say about Marza's courses


“Marza is engaging, inspiring, and carries ancient wisdom.”

Dixie H

“I have learned so much about the old ways of living in co-creation with our planet from Marza - it is a vast understatement to say it has changed my life! Marza’s way of sharing her knowledge through sitting in circle, storytelling and dirt time are a testament to her understanding of the Earth and Earth-based traditions - what she has taught me couldn't be read in books or heard in lectures.”

Tiffany H


"I have been a spiritual guide and teacher for over 20 years, and I have found Marza Millar to be one of the wisest and most powerful teachers I have ever encountered. Having been on several sacred journeys with Marza, I have complete and total trust in her guidance, her teaching and her capabilities. She has taken me to places both physically and spiritually that I had never been before, and has greatly enriched my life in the process.. Among her many talents, is an ability to make people feel safe while expanding their consciousness - a mark of a great healer and teacher. Above all, she is deeply committed to helping others wholeheartedly, with tremendous compassion and humility. I always look forward to my next experience with Marza, knowing that it will expand the world as I know it and enhance my sense of my own self."




“I have been studying with Marza for the past three years. She has not only taught me an incredible amount about herbs and energetic medicine, but she has also deepened my relationship with the earth and myself. I have never been in a class that has had such a great impact on every aspect of my life. She truly embodies her teachings and is a powerful medicine woman that is a blessing to those that sit with her.”





All Options Include:

6 months | 13 two-hour classes over Zoom

Lifetime access to recorded classes + material

Private community group

Embodiment practices

Lesson Outlines

Pay in Full


1 x Payment for 6 months


Pay Monthly | 6 Months


$320/month for 6 months


Pay Monthly | 10 Months


$194/month for 10 months