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Rites of AttunementĀ 

It is with great honor and gratitude that we share these Rites of Attunement with you, which may be utilized to attune to the grounding and nourishing frequencies of the Earth and Cosmos, and activate the Solar Transmissions within your heart so that you may be a vessel for the Golden Light Consciousness of Healing during these times of greatĀ transformation in our world.

These Rites have been received through oracular transmission from the Oracle Divination Board, and are the foundational practices of the Oracle Clan and Oracle Arts Apprenticeship brought to you by the Academy of Oracle Arts.

May these Rites serve you well in your life so that you may be of service to the liberation of all beings, human and non-human, within the Web of Life.

The Rites of Attunement include:

* Grounding Rite
* Luminous Light

We hope that you enjoy this offering, and that it may be uplifting and supportive to you.


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