Studies in Egypt Cosmology: Building a Relationship with the Neteru, the Divine Principles
An Online Self-Study Course by The Academy of Oracle Arts
Led by Isis Indriya
The focus of this 4 part series, is to study the zodiacal wheel of the year and how this particular lineage corresponds to the seasonal shifts as we journey around our Cosmic Star, the Sun.
We will be exploring 12 main Neteru and review the entire zodiacal wheel in the Egyptian Cosmologies.
The Neteru are the divine principles of nature. Part of the role of the human realm is the collaboration with the natural world, and the human realm. It is one big world of communication. We learn how to build cosmic harmony in our world by way of making offerings to the unseen.

“The Neteru are the Gods, the Divine Principles, the universal forces that organize & maintain the life of creation performing specific functions in their natural realms and the realms we exist in.”
Sacred Magic of Ancient Egypt by Rosemary Clark
Isis Indriya
Born in Mesa, Arizona, Indigenous to and raised on the island of Guam, Isis Indriya dedicates her life in service to prayer, education, and community activism.
With the loss of her Mother, Deborah, at age of 4, her desire to commune with the Unseen, the Ancestors, and those on the other side has been at the forefront of her life and what led her to Ritual as a way of Life. At the age of 17 she moved to the US and began her studies in mythology & breathwork which led to the focus of Ancient Mystery studies, Sacred Sciences, and Earth Wisdom Traditions.
With cultivation of community at the heart of her offerings, she dove into event production, ritual, & education as a way to create culture. With over 20 years experience in various forms of gatherings, ranging from one-on-one sessions to facilitation of rituals of over 30k people with Wisdomkeepers from around the world, Isis dedicates her life to learning and creating platforms for teaching of the sacred sciences of the Ancients, Indigenous wisdom, cultural exchange, Nature’s intelligence, and inner transformation as pathways for moving forward. Many people know her through the role she holds as one of the lead producers of The Compass at Lightning in a Bottle Festival where she has hosted hundreds of thought leaders and entertainers from around the world.

6 Hours of Content
4 modules of 1.5 hours of video content along with audio files to listen to.

Learn at Your Own Pace
All modules are available and ready for you to learn on your time.

Downloadable Workbook
Over 80 pages of information compiled into a pdf.