BSN, MA - Clinical Herbalist, Somatic and Energy Healer, Registered Hypnotherapist, Certified Massage Therapist, Ceremonialist
Marza was born into medicine ways since birth. She is of Ojibwe and Scottish descent. She has been formally educated in both allopathic (western medicine as a nurse) and alternative medicine.
Marza was born into medicine ways since birth. She is of Ojibwe and Scottish descent. She has been formally educated in both allopathic (western medicine as a nurse) and alternative medicine.
Marza specializes as a medical intuitive and empath, herbalist, healer, and medicine woman. She also uses her clairvoyant skills to do readings and navigate her medicine ways. She specializes in Vibrational Biodynamic Medicine, Biofield Tuning, Hypnotherapy, Plant Spirit Medicine, Vibrational Somatics, and Wildcrafted Handmade Herbal Medicines, Geopathics, Geomancy, Somatic Healing, Soul Retrieval, and Life Coaching. She uses her empathic gifts along with her somatic, alternative, and allopathic education to offer life-changing educational experiences in mind, body, and spirit medicine.
Marza’s work has taken her deep into the Andes to work with the Inca Elders, into the Arctic Circle to work with the Siberian Yupick, and to the tops of the Hopi Mesa's, and deep into the Temples of Egypt. She is known nationally and internationally for her teachings and healing skills. She holds the woman's fireplace of the sweat lodge and vision quest at the linage fire of the Star Clan.
She also works with Damanhur in Italy, an Eco Community, as an educator on vibrational medicine.
She is currently the owner and formulator of a Biodynamic Vibrational Medicine line - Rebel Alchemy and Ancient Earth Apothecary. She also owns an herbal and vibrational medicine school in Nevada City and is on the faculty at the Academy of Oracle Arts.
She currently has a private practice and spiritual ministry in Nevada City, CA and in Upstate New York. She holds the fireplace of the Star Clan Linage Fire. She is Directing Minister of the Church of the Essence.