An Online Course with Bonus In-Person Immersions
The Lodge of the Four Winds
A Course of Shamanic Medicine Ways
(Grandmother Two Clouds)
Renowned Healer, Medicine Woman, Elder, and Teacher
On Wednesdays, starting January 22, 2025
12 Months | 24 Two-Hour Classes over Zoom
Private Community Group + Lifetime Access to Replays
Four Optional Bonus In-Person Immersions

The Lodge of the Four Winds with Grandmother Marza Millar is a year-long training for those who wish to become adept in the shamanic healing arts with a view to becoming skilled shamanic practitioners–those who are called to become technicians of the sacred and specialists in the human soul.
As we progress through the four seasons, we will learn what it means to walk in alignment with nature and spirit in preparation for a Visioning Quest (which students may take outside of the course).
You will be trained in vital protocols which have been handed down in Marza’s lineage through generations including the Door of the Ant, experiencing direct contact with ancient ways and ever-evolving traditions. You will also receive the teachings that have shaped the Star Clan Fire and the Oracle Clan Fire, from which the Academy of Oracle Arts originated.
Who is Marza Millar?
Marza Millar (Grandmother Two Clouds), is a Renowned Healer, Medicine Woman, Elder and Teacher. She has walked the medicine path for 69 years and is living a truly extraordinary life. Through decades of teaching and spiritual practice, she has woven together threads of ancient wisdom and modern metaphysical techniques to bridge the realms of spirit and Earth. Her passion is empowering individuals to discover and harness their innate spiritual gifts. She has been offering Vision Quests for the past 35 years.
Recognizing our current time as "a moment of unraveling," Marza shares her profound knowledge through the Lodge of the Four Winds, offering a path through these tumultuous times of great change.
Discover what it means to have ancestral lineage Fire behind you as you walk through this world.
Join us!
Lodge of the Four Winds is a year-long intensive guided by Marza Millar’s 69 years of lived wisdom and ancestral teachings.
This immersive course interweaves cosmic laws, elemental medicine, and shamanic practices to help you navigate the chaos of modern life and restore balance.
From January to December, you will become familiar with the four cardinal directions and their associated elements–Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water–through twice-monthly online sessions and optional in-person immersions.
You will join in ceremonies, develop shamanic journeying skills, practice divination with powerful tools, and cultivate a profound connection with nature and the unseen realms.
By engaging with the life force itself, you will unlock the ability to co-create with natural cycles for inner and outer renewal. This path combines ancient knowledge with practical tools for personal healing, spiritual growth, and harmonious living with the cosmic rhythms that govern our world.
This course is for you if:
- You’re weary of carrying a wounded heart and you know it’s time to heal
- You have a deep inner yearning for the old ways and innate knowledge that is waiting to be uncovered
- You’re inspired by the cycles of nature and the cosmic mysteries they hold
- You desire to interpret the sacred signs all around you
- Your co-creative potential is waiting to be set free
Come and experience the Lodge of the Four Winds as a sweet haven for your soul!
As you journey through each season of the year, you will see the world around you with new eyes, recognizing the sacred in the everyday.
Immerse yourself in the power of the elements through shamanic journeying. You will soar on the wind, be metamorphosed by fire, flow like water, and ground yourself in the Earth’s power as you explore the Lower, Middle, and Upper Worlds, unlocking the wisdom of your ancestors. As you learn to read the signs and symbols of the medicine path, you will discover a new language written in nature itself.
By the end of this sacred year, you will have found your unmistakable place in this intricate web of life that connects us all. You will be empowered to co-create your destiny in harmony with the cosmic rhythms.
This course is an intense challenge, and it is a celebration of the global revival of medicine ways. It is an ancient initiatory path proceeding from both historical succession and contemporary vision.
Marza has been trained since birth in the Shamanic arts and offers this training with the blessings of her Elders.
The training will encompass the following bodies of work, supplemented by ceremony, initiations, pilgrimage, ongoing supervised homework, and 4 in-person immersions:
Shamanic Integrative Therapy
Learn tools that will enable you to act as a sacred counselor, trained to track the source of problems between worlds and attune to a deeper way of living. Addressing this deeper level typically brings about more profound healing.
Shamanic Soul Medicine
This module is a detailed study of illness principles from a shamanic perspective and an exploration of the disease territory. It includes thorough training in primary cross-cultural shamanic tools: Soul Retrieval, Extraction medicine, guiding the suffering across sickness and death terrains, and ancestral healing.
Practices in Shamanic Dreaming
The shaman considers True Dreaming—the crossroads of waking, sleeping, and mundane dreaming—as the location for key healing work. Walking the wheel of the year within seen and unseen worlds. Ancient Mystery School's dream temple incubation methods and little-known shamanic practices will be taught and experienced.
Healing Circles
Shamanic practice acknowledges the community aspect of healing. Learn to administer healing with the aid of seen and unseen partners. Learn advanced techniques of merging with Ancestral Kin and walking deep medicine ways of co-creation.
Spirit Release Work
In this module you will learn advanced spiritual techniques for intentional sorcery practices. Learn the protocol for releasing lost and troubled spirits from environments and individuals, including ancestral negative patterns and generational traumas. Learn to unwind curses, avert hexes, and dissolve obsessions.
Shamanic Land Work
Working with the spirit of place and Middle World spirits at sacred altars, you will apply Drums and Rattles within the shamanic healing paradigm, moving fluidly into trance states.
The training allows participants to safely climb the World Tree—axis mundi—of the shaman's path. We strip shamanic work to its core, incorporating material and methods often not presented elsewhere. Here we operate and train as healer, ceremonialist, and spiritual guide. Learn to master unseen nature forces and commune with power purveyors. This provides a rich, experiential induction into the shaman's life-way, trained in equilibrium art, mastering polarity forces while moving with poise on the threshold of opposites.
For the shaman, human existence, suffering, and death form maps and symbols, creating a moral order with clear pathways to help alchemize the painful aspects of human life. By learning and practicing sacred actions along these pathways, students will step into the role of medicine healer, enabling profound assistance to others.
Join us in the Lodge of the Four Winds realms for a life-changing experience.
Over 12 months, the Lodge of the Four Winds course will cover the following modules
Lodge of the Earth (January - March)
Explore the foundations of the Medicine Path and cosmic laws
- Module 1: Foundations - Cosmic Laws
- Module 2: The Cosmic Law of Time
- Module 3: The Law of Cosmic Polarity
- Module 4: Creation Medicine
- Module 5: The Cosmic Law of the Giveaway
- Module 6: The Cosmic Law of Ritual and Ceremony
- Optional in-person Earth Immersion in Nevada City
Lodge of the Wind (April - June)
Discover shamanic journeying and the medicine of manifestation
- Module 1: Tools of the Medicine Path
- Module 2: The Shamanic Journey - The Inner Vision
- Module 3: Shamanic Journey Work - External Visioning
- Module 4: Dancing with the Winds
- Module 5: Reading the Signs, Cycles, and Symbols of the Medicine Path
- Module 6: The Ceremony of Calling Medicine Animal Totems
- Optional in-person Wind Immersion, location TBD
Lodge of Fire (July - September)
Delve into healing ceremonies and the power of seen and unseen Fire
- Module 1: The Cosmic Law of Fire
- Module 2: Lower, Middle, and Upper Worlds
- Module 3: Healing Ceremony of Fire
- Module 4: The 12 Hoops of Walking the Medicine Path of Life
- Module 5: The Initiation of the Invisible Fire
- Module 6: Fire Medicine Tools and Ceremonies
- Optional in-person Fire Immersion, location TBD
Lodge of Waters (October - December)
Learn purification rites and shadow work
- Module 1: Purification
- Module 2: The Ceremonies of Water
- Module 3: The Medicine of the Bear
- Module 4: The Rites of Passage
- Module 5: The Rites of Agreements and Prayers
- Module 6: Shadow Medicine
- Optional in-person Water Immersion in Nevada City
Throughout this sacred year, you will participate in powerful ceremonies, engage with ancestral wisdom, and develop your ability to walk between worlds. From the Medicine of the Buffalo to the Rites of Vision Quest, each module offers insights that will open your eyes, mind, and heart to infinitely wise ways of Nature and the Cosmos.
All live online classes will be recorded. Replays and course materials will be available in a course portal for you to revisit.
As an additional offering, this course provides four immersive experiences during what Marza's Elders call "dirt time." This sacred time invites us to come together, share wisdom, and engage in deep spiritual practices—gathering around the sacred fire, entering the sweat lodge, and connecting with the cosmos under the vast expanse of stars, with the earth grounding us. These immersions will be held at sacred medicine wheel sites in Northern California, Colorado, and Western New York. Participation in these transformative experiences is entirely optional and are offered as a bonus add-on to the course.
Please note, these optional bonus experiences will not be recorded and are contingent upon enough people signing up to attend in-person and will be confirmed once the course begins.
For the past 35 years, Marza has also been offering Vision Quests to those seeking deeper spiritual connection and transformation. Each year, she guides a Vision Quest in Mt. Shasta in August, and another in New York in July. While this isn’t part of a formal class, if you feel called to embark on this journey, these Vision Quests are also open to you. More information will be provided after you sign up for the course.
Upon completing the Lodge of the Four Winds, you will be able to navigate modern life with grace, purpose, and deep connection to the natural and spiritual worlds.
You will be empowered to:
- Apply the wisdom of the Medicine Wheel whenever challenges come up in your daily life
- Perform ceremonies and rituals that cleanse and protect you, your environment, and those you love
- Use elemental medicine for healing and transformation
- Conduct Earth Divination ceremonies
- Practice shamanic journeying to access inner wisdom and ancestral knowledge
- Read the signs and symbols of the Medicine Path
- Call upon Medicine Animal Totems for guidance and power
- Navigate the Lower, Middle, and Upper Worlds
- Utilize Fire for shamanic transmutation and healing
- Perform Water ceremonies for purification and divination
- Conduct Rites of Passage ceremonies
- Find strength in your shadows through Shadow Medicine work
- Co-create with natural forces to manifest your intentions
- Live in harmony with cosmic laws and natural cycles
- Carry forward the wisdom of the Fireplace Lineage
- Walk between worlds, bridging the seen and unseen realms
Meet Grandmother Two Clouds
Marza Millar

BSN, MA - Clinical Herbalist, Somatic and Energy Healer, Registered Hypnotherapist, Certified Massage Therapist, Ceremonialist
Marza was born into medicine ways since birth. She is of Ojibwe and Scottish descent. She has been formally educated in both allopathic (western medicine as a nurse) and alternative medicine.
Marza was born into medicine ways since birth. She is of Ojibwe and Scottish descent. She has been formally educated in both allopathic (western medicine as a nurse) and alternative medicine.
Marza specializes as a medical intuitive and empath, herbalist, healer, and medicine woman. She also uses her clairvoyant skills to do readings and navigate her medicine ways. She specializes in Vibrational Biodynamic Medicine, Biofield Tuning, Hypnotherapy, Plant Spirit Medicine, Vibrational Somatics, and Wildcrafted Handmade Herbal Medicines, Geopathics, Geomancy, Somatic Healing, Soul Retrieval, and Life Coaching. She uses her empathic gifts along with her somatic, alternative, and allopathic education to offer life-changing educational experiences in mind, body, and spirit medicine.
Marza’s work has taken her deep into the Andes to work with the Inca Elders, into the Arctic Circle to work with the Siberian Yupick, and to the tops of the Hopi Mesa's, and deep into the Temples of Egypt. She is known nationally and internationally for her teachings and healing skills. She holds the woman's fireplace of the sweat lodge and vision quest at the linage fire of the Star Clan.
She also works with Damanhur in Italy, an Eco Community, as an educator on vibrational medicine.
She is currently the owner and formulator of a Biodynamic Vibrational Medicine line - Rebel Alchemy and Ancient Earth Apothecary. She also owns an herbal and vibrational medicine school in Nevada City and is on the faculty at the Academy of Oracle Arts.
She currently has a private practice and spiritual ministry in Nevada City, CA and in Upstate New York. She holds the fireplace of the Star Clan Linage Fire. She is Directing Minister of the Church of the Essence.
Schedule of Classes
(all classes are from 6:00pm - 8:00pm Pacific Time on Wednesdays except where noted)
- Wed 1/22/25
- Wed 1/29/25
- Wed 2/12/25
- Wed 2/26/25 (recorded)
- Wed 3/12/25
- Saturday, March 22, 2025 (Bonus Optional Immersion)
- Sunday, March 23, 2025 (Bonus Optional Immersion)
- Wed 3/26/25
- Wed 4/9/25
- Wed 4/23/25
- Wed 5/7/25
- Wed 5/21/25
- Wed 6/11/25
- Wed 6/25/25
- Saturday, June 21, 2025 (Optional Immersion)
- Sunday, June 22, 2025 (Optional Immersion)
- July 2025- Vision Quest Option in New York (To be confimed)
- Wed 7/9/25
- Wed 7/23/25
- August 2025- Vision Quest Option in Mt. Shasta (exact dates TBD)
- Wed 8/6/25
- Wed 8/20/25
- Wed 9/10/25
- Wed 9/24/25
- Saturday, September 20, 2025 (Bonus Optional Immersion)
- Sunday, September 21, 2025 (Bonus Optional Immersion)
- Wed 10/8/25
- Wed 10/22/25
- Wed 11/5/25
- Wed 11/19/25
- Wed 12/3/25
- Wed 12/17/25
- Saturday, December 13, 2025 (Immersion)
- Sunday, December 14, 2025 (Immersion)
After each season, there will be an optional bonus “dirt time” weekend immersion to apply the skills in person that were learned online during the previous season.
These optional immersions on average will take place from 11am to 5pm. The locations of these optional immersion will vary and may include Nevada City, CA, Arizona, or New York.
They are not required to enjoy the full benefits of the course but are provided as optional learning opportunities for those who can join in-person.
*Please note, these optional bonus experiences are contingent upon enough people signing up to attend in-person and will be confirmed once the course begins.
Additionally, for the past 35 years, Marza has been offering Vision Quests to those seeking deeper spiritual connection and transformation. Each year, she guides a Vision Quest in Mt. Shasta in August, and another in New York in July (to be confirmed in 2025). While these quests are not part of this course, if you feel called to embark on this journey, these Vision Quests are open to you. More information will be provided after you sign up for the course.
This is a rare opportunity to learn these legacy teachings from Marza.
“My Elders have entrusted me with their messages and given me permission to share these teachings, to offer a path through the chaos, and to restore balance to our everyday lives.” - Marza Millar
Join us for The Lodge of the Four Winds!
What previous students say about Marza's courses
“From this course, I have a better overall sense of moving through the end stages of life with loved ones as well as with others I might work with. Marza has such a wide range of very specialized experiences; it was such a joy to be able to learn from her." - Nicole F.
“Marza is engaging, inspiring, and carries ancient wisdom.” – Dixie H
“I have learned so much about the old ways of living in co-creation with our planet from Marza - it is a vast understatement to say it has changed my life! Marza’s way of sharing her knowledge through sitting in circle, storytelling and dirt time are a testament to her understanding of the Earth and Earth-based traditions - what she has taught me couldn't be read in books or heard in lectures.” – Tiffany H.
"I have been a spiritual guide and teacher for over 20 years, and I have found Marza Millar to be one of the wisest and most powerful teachers I have ever encountered. Having been on several sacred journeys with Marza, I have complete and total trust in her guidance, her teaching and her capabilities. She has taken me to places both physically and spiritually that I had never been before, and has greatly enriched my life in the process.. Among her many talents, is an ability to make people feel safe while expanding their consciousness - a mark of a great healer and teacher. Above all, she is deeply committed to helping others wholeheartedly, with tremendous compassion and humility. I always look forward to my next experience with Marza, knowing that it will expand the world as I know it and enhance my sense of my own self." – Grace
“I have been studying with Marza for the past three years. She has not only taught me an incredible amount about herbs and energetic medicine, but she has also deepened my relationship with the earth and myself. I have never been in a class that has had such a great impact on every aspect of my life. She truly embodies her teachings and is a powerful medicine woman that is a blessing to those that sit with her.” – Amara
Each Option Includes:
24 Two-Hour Sessions
Portal available 24/7 with recorded classes + material
Private Community Group
Embodiment Practices
Lesson Outlines
4 Optional Bonus Immersions