A Live Online Course

Lemurian Wisdom Temple

Keeping the Akashic Flame and Temple of Light 


Led by Marza Millar
(Grandmother Two Clouds)
Renowned Healer, Medicine Woman, Elder, and Teacher  


Two Part Course

*Part 1*
Pre-Recorded Live Sessions Available On Demand

*Part 2*
Delivered Live over 8 Sessions on Zoom
On Mondays & Tuesdays, starting July 29, 2024
6:30pm - 8:30pm PT


* 12 pre-recorded replays
* 8 two-hour live calls over Zoom starting July 29, 2024
* Lifetime access to replays
* Private Community Group

$1799 (Monthly Plans Available)


It is time to remember.

In a world filled with rapid change and technological advancements, we often find ourselves disconnected from the ancient wisdom and spiritual heritage that once guided humanity. But there are ways to bridge the gap between our past and our limitless future, and it begins with “Lemurian Wisdom Temple: Keeping the Akashic Flame and Temple of Light.”

This transformative course, led by the renowned Healer, Elder, and Medicine Woman, Marza Millar, will take us on a sacred journey of reawakening our connection to the Akashic Records, empowering our spiritual journeys, and rekindling ancient, ancestral healing traditions. Marza's rich lineage of Ojibwe and Scottish descent, coupled with her extensive knowledge in both allopathic and alternative medicine, makes her the perfect guide for this profound exploration.

We are living in profound times - the shaking of humanity.

Within the prophecy lines of humanity as given by many prophecies, we find echoes of Lemurian teachings present in the creation stories of numerous indigenous tribes indicating a shared heritage and ancient wisdom.

Yet, as we grow further into these times of profound change, we risk losing our connection to these ancient ways. 

Our technological advancements have begun to overshadow our humanity and connection with the Earth, and we are left with only a faint memory of our natural abilities to tend to the ancestral fires and preserve the wisdom stored within the Akashic Records.

Throughout history, remarkable individuals such as Nostradamus, Plato, Pythagoras, Sir Isaac Newton, Dion Fortune, Edgar Cayce, H.P. Blavatsky, and many indigenous tribes such as the Hopi, Inca, Maya, and Polynesian Shamans, understood the art of accessing the Akashic records. They brought forth prophecies and lived in harmony with the concept of 'Ancient Future,' tending to the sacred temples and portals that brought clarity and illuminated the human mind during times of darkness.

In this course, "Lemurian Wisdom Temple: Keeping the Akashic Flame and Temple of Light,we will not only heal ourselves but also reclaim the sacred rituals and Rites of the Lemurian Temples' fire, activating and illuminating humanity's past. By doing so, we will bridge the gap between the ancient past and the limitless possibilities of the future.


Join us on this sacred journey to reclaim your sacred walk into the mystic mysteries, heal your past, and create the future you desire.


Throughout this enlightening course, you will:

  • Rediscover Ancient Wisdom: Immerse yourself in timeless Lemurian teachings and unlock profound wisdom from the Akashic Records
  • Experience Spiritual Empowerment: Strengthen your spiritual journey and navigate life's challenges with clarity by connecting with sacred rituals and ancestral healing traditions
  • Bridge Ancient and Future: Learn to harmonize the past and limitless potential of the future, becoming the bridge between ancient wisdom and future expansion, anchored in the present moment
  • Attain Enhanced Intuition: Develop empathic skills, awaken your mystical sight, and intuitively read the layers of time within the Akashic Records
  • Learn Effective Professional Skills: Master Akashic readings, enrich your life, and become a practitioner to guide and heal others.

What are the Akashic Records?

The Akashic records represent the cosmic consciousness of humanity, both collectively and individually, spanning from our past lives to our future incarnations. These records extend beyond human consciousness and encompass the consciousness of our planet. They serve as a comprehensive repository of everything on Earth, encapsulating the entirety of our history, present, and future. Furthermore, they encompass our solar system, our galaxy, and our connection to celestial bodies.

The Akashic records allow us to perceive reality in a holographic manner, similar to how our ancestors once did. In earlier times, humanity possessed the ability to perceive itself more holographically. However, in our current state, we find ourselves constrained between the limitations of our left and right brain hemispheres, lacking the bridge that once connected us to higher consciousness and advanced thinking.

As we progress in consciousness, we are beginning to reunite our hemispheres again by activating our third eye and intuition to see the universe more holographically and access higher consciousness.


What is Lemuria?

Lemuria was one of the original civilizations that was seeded by star nations, who have played a role in the evolution of humanity by transitioning us from a collective soul experience to a singular soul experience. Additionally, they are thought to have contributed to our genetic development, specifically in crossing the bridge for us from Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal to Homo Sapiens.

This comprehensive course spans twelve modules, each offering a unique facet of ancient wisdom:



Module 1: Lemuria - The Origin Story
  • Explore the landscapes of Lemuria, both ancient and present
  • Uncover the genesis of Earth's seeding from star nations and the evolution of soul and consciousness recorded within the Akashic Records
Module 2: The Alchemical Altar
  • Prepare yourself to receive the alchemical codes of nature and light language of the ancient star nations from Lemuria
  • Create your internal and external altars to facilitate communion with higher realms
  • Develop empathic skills and begin reading the Akashic Records
Module 3: Empathic Oracle Reading
  • Awaken your mystical sight and learn to read the layers of time within the Akashic Records
  • Unlock the secrets of empathic oracle reading 
Module 4: Portals of Light 
  • Receive an introduction to the power of natural portals, ley lines, and astral travel

Module 5: Telos - Temple of Light
  • Discover meditations, sigils, and light language to access interdimensional portals within ancient Lemurian temples
  • Connect with the wisdom of Telos and the Temple of Light

Module 6: Harmonics
  • Utilize light codes, vibratory energy, and light portals to restore health and vitality during these transformative times
  • Activate your Pineal Gland for heightened awareness

Module 7: The Pyramid Field
  • Uncover the mysteries of pyramids and their role in portal use
  • Explore energy containment fields
Module 8: The Lemurian Wisdom Temple
  • Navigate the Lemurian learning wheel
  • Learn to delve deeper into the Akashic Records for profound insights
Module 9: Ho’oponopono and the Akash
  • Explore the powerful practice of Ho’oponopono to reprogram your Akashic destiny and release the past
Module 10: Dolphins and Whales Transmissions
  • Awaken the light cords to transform dense energy within your field
  • Learn to construct your own Temple of Light
Module 11: Clinical Practice
  • Master the art of Akashic readings to enrich your life and the lives of others
  • Learn to use Akashic readings as a sacred ceremony and a path to enlightenment
  • Develop professional skills in working with the Akashic Records
Module 12: Graduation Ritual
  • Final Lemurian Channeling
  • Graduation Ritual


Monday, July 29 | Module 1 | The Alchemical Altar
  •  Create your internal and external altars to facilitate communion with higher realms
  •  Develop empathic skills and begin reading the Akashic Records
  • Deepening Exercises:
    • Building the relation to light codes. Using the light as an activation to open inner channels of the activation of the pineal gland.
    • Homework - to open your energy body to the different light gradients.
    • Setting an external altar to do this meditation work to deepen our meditative senses.
Monday, August 12 | Module 2 |  Empathic Oracle Reading
  •  Awaken your mystical sight and learn to read the layers of time within the Akashic Records
  •  Unlock the secrets of empathic oracle reading 
  • Deepening Exercises:
    • Exercise in reading the mundane world such as objects - learn to layer look at timelines within an object.
    • Going into meditation Journey to one’s own family cords to look at the past and pull forward to present.
Monday, August 19 | Module 3 | Portals of Light 
  •  Receive an introduction to the power of natural portals, and astral travel
  •  Ti/Anyi pRitual
  • Deepening Exercises:
    • Using the alchemical altar and light activation - open a portal at the alter in the physical world and then open the portal within oneself with the act to the Ti light to create Anyi. (connection) as above so below
Tuesday, September 10 | Module 3 Part 2
  • Continuation of developing the Ti light and Anyi connection to develop more in-depth oracular vision.
  • Deepening Exercises: 
    • Using the alchemical temple altar both in the physical and our inner sight to go into the first bands of our personal Akash.
    • Continue practicing the strengthening tof the Ti connection with your own visioning into the layers of time of the Akash.
Tuesday, Oct 22 | Module 4 | Temple of Light
  •  Overview of meditations, and light to access interdimensional portals within the Lemurian temples
  •  Connect with the wisdom of Temple of Light
  • Deepening Exercises: 
    • Practice the language of the mudra used within Lemurian Wisdom Temple to activate a higher conciseness
Tuesday, Oct 29 - Module 5 - The Lemurian Wheel and the Medicine Wheel
  • Overview of methodological ideas of walking the Lemurian Wheel and Medicine wheel.
  • Deepening Exercises:
    • Ritual techniques to walk the Lemurian Wheel to enter deeper into the Akash Consciousness.
Tuesday, November 12 | Module 6 | Destiny Journey
  • Discussion and Ritual Ceremony for Destiny Journey
  • Deepening Exercises:
    • Ritual for going into our future Akashic records, see our destiny choices and implanting them into our present lives.
Tuesday, November 19 |  Module 7 | Clinical Practicum
  • The layout of the Akashic Reading in Clinical Practice
  • Deepening exercises:
    • Practice the setup and the Ti/Anyi Connection with one another for an Akash reading.
Tuesday, December 10 | Module 7 continued
  • Continue with Clinical Practicum
  • Final Q and A
  • Deepening exercises:
    • Reading for each other and having students read for friends for practice.
Tuesday, December 17 | Module 8 |  Graduation Ritual
  • Final Lemurian Channel - Marza
  • Graduation Ritual

Meet Grandmother Two Clouds
Marza Millar

BSN, MA - Clinical Herbalist, Somatic and Energy Healer, Registered Hypnotherapist, Certified Massage Therapist, Ceremonialist

Marza was born into medicine ways since birth. She is of Ojibwe and Scottish descent. She has been formally educated in both allopathic (western medicine as a nurse) and alternative medicine.

Marza specializes as a medical intuitive and empath, herbalist, healer, and medicine woman. She also uses her clairvoyant skills to do readings and navigate her medicine ways. She specializes in Vibrational Biodynamic Medicine, Biofield Tuning, Hypnotherapy, Plant Spirit Medicine, Vibrational Somatics, and Wildcrafted Handmade Herbal Medicines, Geopathics, Geomancy, Somatic Healing, Soul Retrieval, and Life Coaching. She uses her empathic gifts along with her somatic, alternative, and allopathic education to offer life-changing educational experiences in mind, body, and spirit medicine.

Marza’s work has taken her deep into the Andes to work with the Inca Elders, into the Arctic Circle to work with the Siberian Yupick, and to the tops of the Hopi Mesa's, and deep into the Temples of Egypt. She is known nationally and internationally for her teachings and healing skills. She holds the woman's fireplace of the sweat lodge and vision quest at the linage fire of the Star Clan.

She also works with Damanhur in Italy, an Eco Community, as an educator on vibrational medicine.

She is currently the owner and formulator of a Biodynamic Vibrational Medicine line - Rebel Alchemy and Ancient Earth Apothecary. She also owns an herbal and vibrational medicine school in Nevada City and is on the faculty at the Academy of Oracle Arts.

She currently has a private practice and spiritual ministry in Nevada City, CA and in Upstate New York. She holds the fireplace of the Star Clan Linage Fire. She is Directing Minister of the Church of the Essence.

What previous students say about Marza's courses:

“Marza is engaging, inspiring, and carries ancient wisdom.” –
Dixie H

“I have learned so much about the old ways of living in co-creation with our planet from Marza - it is a vast understatement to say it has changed my life! Marza’s way of sharing her knowledge through sitting in circle, storytelling and dirt time are a testament to her understanding of the Earth and Earth-based traditions - what she has taught me couldn't be read in books or heard in lectures.” – Tiffany H.

“The Earth Wisdom apprenticeship class expanded my capabilities in comprehending and implementing deeper healing in myself, loved ones and clients. Marza gently encourages students in expanding their knowledge and perceptions by learning frequency medicine in harmony with the plant medicines, mineral beings and shamanic practices. The hours invested in the classroom, lab and on field trips birthed within me a profound life changing realignment with the energies of the Earth. With Marza's guidance I got my feet back on the ground, expanded my heart and walk Mother Earth with a renewed spirit." –
Andrea R


"I have been a spiritual guide and teacher for over 20 years, and I have found Marza Millar to be one of the wisest and most powerful teachers I have ever encountered. Having been on several sacred journeys with Marza, I have complete and total trust in her guidance, her teaching and her capabilities. She has taken me to places both physically and spiritually that I had never been before, and has greatly enriched my life in the process.. Among her many talents, is an ability to make people feel safe while expanding their consciousness - a mark of a great healer and teacher. Above all, she is deeply committed to helping others wholeheartedly, with tremendous compassion and humility. I always look forward to my next experience with Marza, knowing that it will expand the world as I know it and enhance my sense of my own self." – Grace


“I have been studying with Marza for the past three years. She has not only taught me an incredible amount about herbs and energetic medicine, but she has also deepened my relationship with the earth and myself. I have never been in a class that has had such a great impact on every aspect of my life. She truly embodies her teachings and is a powerful medicine woman that is a blessing to those that sit with her.” – Amara



Pay in Full


  • 12 Classes on Zoom
  • Lifetime Access to Replays
  • Private Community Group

Pay Monthly | 6 Months


$315/month for 6 months

  • 12 Classes on Zoom
  • Lifetime Access to Replays
  • Private Community Group

Pay Monthly | 9 Months


$211/month for 9 months

  • 12 Classes on Zoom
  • Lifetime Access to Replays
  • Private Community Group
  • In-Person Immersions Not Included


 In these transformative times, where the very essence of humanity is shifting, we find ourselves at a crossroads where we must remember these ancient ways to connect with our humanity and our future.