A Lunar Eclipse Rite with AUSET & NEBT-HET
Hosted by
Led by
Director of the Oracle Arts Apprenticeship
Initiate of the 3-year Oracle Arts Apprenticeship
Reserve My Complimentary Seat
Hosted by
Rowan A* Nymphaea KA, Alexis Smith, & Initiates of the Oracle Arts Apprenticeship & Oracle Clan
Thursday, March 13, 2025
from 4:00pm - 6:00pm PT / 7:00 - 9:00 PM ET
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On Jupiter Day, March 13th, join the Initiates of the Oracle Arts Apprenticeship Program & the Oracle Clan to offer adoration to the Ancient Egyptian Neteru, Auset & Nebt-Het (Isis & Nephthys in Greek) and attune to the first Lunar Eclipse of the Year of the Snake.
Together, we shall journey through the Tree of Life and traverse the path of the High Priestess from the crown to the heart, tuning in to the Oracular Consciousness which finds its hearth and home deep within the inner sanctum, known by many mystics as the Cave of the Heart.
This Unique adaptation of The art of ritual will feature the creative expression of the Oracle arts teachings through initiates who are curating this special offering.
On behalf of the true spirit and message of the Oracle, we are guided to share these teachings and transmissions with the world to uplift our Hearts during these times of great change and transformation, and honor our Shadows who have been abandoned and forgotten for far too long.

In this Rite, you will experience:
- The warmth of the Oracle Fireplace
- The Lunar Light of Auset & Nourishing Shadow of Nebt-Het
- Descent into the Oracle Cave of the Heart guided meditation & journey
- A practice to receive messages from the Oracle Crystal Ball
- Live Sirian Transmissions from Initiates of the Oracle Clan
- Deprogramming on behalf of self, community, and the Web of Life
- The Divine presence and guidance from Auset & Nebt-Het, the Sirian Council, and the Higher Councils of each participant
- An uplifting experience & expression of The Art of Ritual ~ the foundational rite of the Oracle Arts Apprenticeship program
And more!

Your Guides
This Lunar Eclipse Rite will be led by Rowan A* Nymphaea KA, Director of the Oracle Arts Apprenticeship and Initiate of the Oracle Clan, and Alexis Smith, Initiate of the 3-year Oracle Arts Apprenticeship and new Apprenticeship Council member.
Including an offering from Isis Indriya, the visionary and creator of the Oracle Arts Apprenticeship, as well as a circle of Initiated Oracles, Priestexxes and Apprentices, featuring the experience, skills, and transmissions of those who have successfully completed their journey through Apprenticeship I, The Path of the Jewel.

This ritual technology, received through transmission with the Oracle by Isis Indriya, serves as the foundational ritual technology of the Oracle Arts Apprenticeship program and the Oracle Clan, and is what we explore, experience, and embody in-depth throughout the Apprenticeship program.
Upon graduation and initiation, Apprentices are officially passed this technology with blessings to lead and guide others through their own unique adaptation and expression of this foundational ritual.
This Adoration to the Sirian Sisters Lunar Eclipse Rite in particular is the unique expression of Rowan A* Nymphaea KA ~ Rowan Peterson, Director of the Oracle Arts Apprenticeship Program ~ based on a Full Moon Rite which was received in direct transmission from Auset during a 3-month spiritual sabbatical, the last 40 days of which were in silence. It was through this deafening silence that the Voice of the Oracle was able to be received through the Magician/High Priestess of the Oracle Council, Auset.
Through that communion, Auset gave clear instructions for a Full Moon Rite which She guided to be practiced by the Oracle Clan and any other person who was called to activate the Oracular Consciousness within, which She described as being one and the same as that of Her own.
Of the transmission, the most important aspect of the Rite, and the Great Work in totality, which she repeated multiple times to ensure comprehension, was that:
You must descend in order to ascend.
In that moment, the locale of descent became clear as none other than that of our own hearts; and specifically for the priestexx and mystic, the Oracle Cave of the Heart where the flickering flame of the Oracle Fire maintains a steady hearth, always awaiting us to drop in and find comfort and nourishment in its warmth and light. This same Fire, an astral Lemurian Oracle Fire, is the flame from which the Oracle Clan Fireplace was lit in 2016, and has been maintained in material and etheric forms for thousands of years, now finding a home in the Oracle Crystal Ball and all those connected to Her.
In this Lunar Eclipse Rite, we shall honor BOTH the Lunar Light of Auset, as we do each lunation on the Full Moon, as well as Her Shadow Nebt-Het and the essential qualities of disintegration and renewal. In the Rite, we will make offerings to both, receive transmissions from both, and bring forward their Point of Unity - the "One Star" Sirius, which also has a dual-nature and unifying Sacred Third (as do all things in the Realm of Creation & Possibility).
As guides to the Ancient Egyptians and emergent cultures throughout human history, the Sirian Council has messages to share with us at this crucial time in our evolutionary journey. However many of us have forgotten how to listen to the deep subtle messages within, which is the only way to ever be able to receive and understand the messages coming from “without”.
Let us Remember together and celebrate the Self, in all of our infinite modes & expressions, darkness & light, so that Nebt-Het may mourn that which passes with Death, and Auset may materialize all that is yet to Become.

Ritual implements to gather for the rite
- Red, white, and/or black ritual garmentry, altar cloth, temple/altar items
- Cauldron or other burning vessel
- Herbs, resins, and medicines of your choice
- Dark-colored Veil
- Anointing oil
- Paper and writing implement
- Red roses - minimum of 3
- Oracle Crystal Ball - if you have one, otherwise any clear quartz sphere
- Vessel of fresh or spring water
- Sacrament ~ dark chocolate, cherries, blood orange, local seasonal produce, fresh baked goods, nuts & seeds, etc.
Optional Tools & Implements
- Statue, image, sigil, or other devotional icons of Auset & Nebt-Het
- Milk and honey
- Blue Lotus tincture, elixir, and/or oil
- Essence of Moonflower
Initiates from all levels of the Oracle Arts Apprenticeship program from around the world will be joining together to bring this offering to you, sharing the transmissions along the Path and offering a glipse into this most sacred Rite.
We welcome you and look forward to communing with the Great Mystery together!


Dedicated to a life of prayer, culture, and community building, Isis is an educator and founder of The Academy of Oracle Arts where she teaches many classes alongside other luminaries. She offers classes in Ritual, Divination, Egyptian Cosmology, and Hermeticism, as well as an 11-month Apprenticeship program in Oracular Arts. She also leads annual pilgrimages to Egypt, hosts community gatherings in Northern California, is co-founder of Imaginal Community, and is a lead producer of The Compass at Lightning in a Bottle Festival. Born in Mesa, Arizona, and raised on the island of Guam, her journey into ancient mystery studies and sacred sciences began at a young age after the loss of her mother, driving her passion for cultural exchange and inner transformation. As a bridge builder, she connects generations to wisdom carriers of various traditions, fostering cultural and social evolution at both local and global levels.

Rowan Peterson (they/them)
Born and raised in South Louisiana on the ancestral homelands of the Chitimacha people, Rowan (spiritual name Rowan A* Nymphaea KA) is a ritualist, occultist, oracle, and High Priestex of The Wica, with the role in the Academy as Director of the Oracle Arts Apprenticeship. A lifelong student of movement and mystical arts, Rowan has over a decade of deep immersive experiences through their personal studies and practices in modalities such as yoga & movement arts, meditation & breathwork, ritual leadership, divination, and devotion to the Great Mystery in all of its infinite forms and facets. Rowan is a Certified Diviner with the Oracle Divination Board and Quantum Healing Hypnosis (QHHT) Practitioner. Rowan has participated in spiritual studies and metaphysical trainings in India, Guatemala, Costa Rica, and all over the United States, culminating in multiple Yoga Teacher certifications, Mystery School initiations, as well as completion of the 3-year Oracle Arts Leadership Program with Isis Indriya.

Alexis is a devoted guide and lifelong seeker of sacred wisdom, weaving together ritual, beauty, and transformation into every facet of her work. With a deep reverence for ancient teachings and an unyielding devotion to beauty as a sacred frequency, she approaches her path with intention, grace, and a deep commitment to the unseen layers of life. Rooted in a love for the art of meaningful connection and the power of ritual, Alexis invites others into spaces of reflection, reverence, and empowerment, where beauty becomes both a tool and a teacher.