On the footsteps of Magdalene

Pilgrimage to the Source of Love

A live conversation with

Aude Barras

Pilgrimage Guide, Devotee of the Rose, Tantric Lineage Practitioner
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Led by Aude Barras

Tantric Lineage Practitioner, Pilgrimage Guide, Devotee of the Rose


The live webinar already took place. Sign up to watch the informative replay!


Click here to learn more about Aude's upcoming course "The Pilgrimage of The Rose" beginning October 2, 2024.

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Within us lies a wellspring of Love, a radiant gem that connects us to all of existence. 

A pilgrimage, often seen as seeking love externally, is truly a sacred journey inward. We shed layers of self, uncovering the pulsating flame of devotion, our essence. Mary Magdalene’s exile from the Holy Land and journey to France shows us this relentless remembrance and embodiment of Love. Walking paths illuminated by Love gives us courage, strength, and faith to navigate the tangled forest of daily life, trusting that we will find our way back to source – Love.

In this 60-minute complimentary webinar, Isis Indriya, Founder of Academy of Oracle Arts will interview Aude Barras, on the footsteps of Magdalene- a pilgrimage on the source of Love.

During the webinar, you will...

  • Learn how pilgrimage is a rite of passage guiding us to a deeper recognition of the source of love
  • Discover how Magdalene and those who have walked before us can be a source of inspiration
  • Palpably feel Magdalene’s loving energy as a guiding light on the journey you have always been called to
  • Understand the profound transformational process of death and rebirth  

SNEAK PEAK: Learn more about Aude's upcoming signature course "Pilgrimage of the Rose"  beginning October 2, 2024. In this eleven week course  journey with Aude Barras & Marcus Reicher, devotees of the Rose along an inner pilgrimage following the footsteps of Love and the fire of devotion that is Mary Magdalene - a presence rekindling the power of beauty, innocence and surrender in the hearts of so many today.

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What other students say about Aude Barras

"If you’re walking the path of the rose making your way home towards Mary Magdalene, Aude is the most brilliant guide. I couldn’t have picked a better teacher if I tried to. Aude is a fountain of wisdom and walks this path like a true high priestess, with grace, humility & love. Her teachings have left me in awe, wonder, and inspiration. Grateful that the Goddess Herself conspired us to meet."

Maria Amiouni – Dubai

“Our journey with Aude was a beautiful gift to my pregnancy. There was much space for contemplation, ritual, prayer, and silence with the ancient mysteries. I trust Aude’s honor of the sacred sites and her heart’s intention to hold them sacred in great reverence for years to come. She made the journey a place to get to know Mary Magdalene in our hearts and bodies by providing us the framework and structure, and then letting the spirit of love take over. Highly recommend.” 

Alexandra Roxo, Bestselling Author of F*CK LIKE A GODDESS + DARE TO FEEL

“Pilgrimaging in the South of France with such a grounded, devotional guide as Aude was an incredible once-in-a-lifetime experience. She holds incredible space and her commitment to her own practice and the Mother shines through in simply being in shared presence. Pair that with the wisdom of the land from the sacred sites we traversed and the transformation that is available within a journey like this is truly exponential.”

Luna Battalia – USA

Meet Aude Barras

A Darshan of the Rose

Through many paths, traditions, and seeming lifetimes of exploring feminine embodiment, Aude found her way in an ancient, living, tantric lineage of Goddess worship, where in an instant of profound recognition, it was revealed that the Rose had always been the way. 

Born Christian, the divine mother had called her outside of her own cultural context to be touched by the holy, before returning back to her original faith in the mysticism of Magdalene. Led to the cave of Sainte Baume on the feast of Mary Magdalene, Aude eventually realized she was unknowingly following in the footsteps of the legends of Magdalene’s walk through the rose ways of southern France. 

Beyond the mind, beyond her own understanding, beyond comprehension, in a depth of mystery still unveiling itself today, she began to follow a longing and relentless call to live and walk the trails where Mary Magdalene is said to have come after her exile from the holy land.

Years later, on a winter solstice in Avebury — a Celtic site dedicated to the Goddess — a call was heard, a stone whispered, “It is time to bring people on the land to simply be Love.” Ever since Aude has guided intimate pilgrimages of remembrance, where each who walk offer recognition, as petals of beauty, reawakening the long forgotten lines of the Rose in southern France.

 "Hail Magdalene! Filled with Light, the way of Love is with you and me… Awaken the Path of the Rose in us now and forever”

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