Understanding the Tree of Life from the Hermetic Qabalistic Tradition
“Intro to Qabalah” is for all seekers and initiates alike who have dedicated their time and energy to discovering the secrets of these sacred sciences, while feeling that there are still many mysteries that remain unknown or arbitrary points awaiting the thread of connectivity which weaves them all together. Hermetic Qabalah might just be that thread, and here we will learn and integrate the transmissions of these arcane teachings into practical applications which can be of great benefit to us in the awakening of the Oracular Consciousness.

In this course we will dive into the living system of the Tree of Life from the Hermetic Qabalistic Tradition.
We will get to know the Sephiroth, the pathways, and a myriad of correspondences to both ground ourselves in this divine blueprint of Creation, and to open up doorways in our consciousness through this study. In this way, we enter into a world of relations both in the Seen world, and even more in the Unseen world, so we may thus gain access to the innate Divine Nature that is who we are.
Over the course of 6 sessions, Isis Indriya will guide students through the mythology, cosmology, and practical methodology of this system of synthesis which informs and inspires those who walk the Path of the Oracle.
This course is highly recommended as a prerequisite for the Oracle Arts Apprenticeship, and will be an asset to all those who are currently enrolled in Egyptian Cosmology and Intro to the Art of Divination.