A Hybrid Zoom | In Person Course
Earth Wisdom II
Geomancy, Grids, and The Minerals
Part 2 of the Certified Clinical Herbalist Program
Starting Tuesday April 19, 2022 6:30pm -8:30pm PST
6 months | 2x month on Zoom
3 Lab In Person Sessions
$1799 (Monthly Plans Available)
3 Fieldtrips | Bristlecone - Bishop, CA + Tahoe National Park, CA + Pt Reyes/Inverness, CA (Additional Charge)

Harmony within the physical body, light body, and spiritual body can be achieved when working with these elements in consistent, integral ways.
In this program we will study a variety of transcendental and earth based practices for healing. We will dive into the use of the Crystalline Matrix with gems and minerals, Zero Point Field and Frequency, vibrational plant medicine, structured water compounds, First Nations philosophy of healing, rites of passage, shamanic ceremony and much more.
For intermediate to advanced students in herbal + earth wisdom studies.
Schedule of
Classes + Fieldtrips
A Sample of Course Topics:
- The Soul Journey | Using ancient native views on how a soul unfolds during this earthly walk
- The Anatomy of the Cosmos | A native view of the unfolding of the cosmos
- Spiritual Disease | How this influences our health and our path to wellness and fulfillment.
- Physical Disease | How illness and negativity enter the body through a segway of emotional and energetic imprints, and how we hold and track disease.
- Resonance and Frequency | How it influences our world, our lives, and our existence
- Ancestor imprints, Disease imprints, Life Force, Heart Force, Energy Force | How these interplay with health and mental stability and energy pathways of the human body; the energy pathways of planet earth, tracking these pathways with intuition.
- Plant and herbal tincture alignment for dealing with these aspects of disease
- Geomancy | Reading and adjusting the energy fields around us
- Healing through the practice of Shamanic Visualization and Journey Work | including the practice of soul retrieval, astral travel and temporal spirit jumping.
- Ancient forms of Hooponopono
- Threshold Medicine | The art of medicine making for birth and death
- Crystalline Earth Grid layouts for higher health | Understand rock medicine, working with destiny lines and prophecy lines.
Meet Grandmother Two Clouds
Marza Millar

CHT, MA , Clinical Herbalist, Nurse, Reiki Master, Hypnotherapist, Lomi Lomi, Medicine Woman, Medical Intuitive, Alchemist, Energy Healer.
Adopted at birth and destined to walk the medicine path, Marza holds the position of medicine woman of the Wind Creek Tribe. Through birth rite and initiation rites this position was passed to her through her Father and Uncle. Her father’s teachers held the position of Keeper of the Emergence Door of the Wind Creek Tribe. At present Grandmother Two Clouds, (Marza) holds this position.
Her Mother’s people are from Isle of Skye, Scotland and Kilkenny, Ireland. Marza is therefore trained and initiated in the Celtics Rites. Additionally, she received traditional temple teachings of Hawaii at Hikiau Heiau given by the Elders of Naapoopoo Village, Big Island, Hawaii. Studied Lomi Lomi healing with Auntie Margaret Machado and La au lapa au with Aka Pule, Fern Pule, and Papa Henry. Trained in Biodynamic Farming and wildcrafts all her medicines. She was also brought up and trained from birth in the mystery schools of Astara in Egyptian Mystical Teachings.
Marza works and specializes in Vibrational Biodynamic Medicines, Geopathics, Geomancy, Energy Frequency Healing, Vibrational Medicines, and Shamanic Healing for the last 40 years, while teaching nationally and internationally. Her work has taken her from deep into the Andes with Dr Emoto, to the Inca Elders, into the Arctic Circle to work with the Siberian Yupik, to the tops of the Hopi Mesa’s, into the Great Pyramid and to the steps of ancient Egyptian Temples. She has worked deeply with the Ancients Crystal Skulls and their guardians. Marza holds the woman’s fireplace of the sweat lodge and vision quest at the lineage fire of Rolling Water and is Elder to the Sun Clan of Nevada City. Also a Shamanic Guide and teacher of Alchemy & Vibrational healing to an Eco Community at Damanhur in Italy.
Currently she is the owner and formulator of a Biodynamic Vibrational Medicine line called Rebel Alchemy & owner of a non-profit organisation, Ancient Earth Apothecary located at Nevada City, Ca. The Apothecary serves a dual purpose. One of a full frequency healing Clinic – Ancient Earth Apothecary Wellness with AmpCoil, Scalar Wave, Vibrational waters, Bio-tuning, crystal bowl sound bath and pyramid energy alignment. The other that of a School for people interested learning to be healers. It teaches about Alchemical and Shamanic healing, Vibrational medicine, and Clinical Herbalism, additionally offering Sweat Lodge, Vision Quest and Medicine teachings within the Sun Clan Tradition. A peek into Marza’s Humanitarian work to help support and empower indigenous elders and communities around the world!