with Marza Millar

July 23-25, 2021

We are delighted that our esteemed elder and Wisdom Keeper Marza Millar has opened space for our Academy community who feel called to join her on an epic adventure to a place time has forgotten.

Located in the high desert of the White Mountains of California are the oldest living beings on Earth. These trees grow only at a high elevation between 9,000ft and 12,000ft, and are located on the eastern side of the Sierra Nevadas.

You will explore this mystical and powerful area, learn about the natural spiritual vortex, and spend time learning and listening with these ancient powerful nature spirits. You will also learn medicine making so you can bring home a vibrational elixir of these ancient trees. You will take in the sun transmission of Ra of the Golden Sunlight, and sit in direct contact with the cosmos. If they wish to communicate with us, you will also work with communicating with our Star Being relations. We will also talk stories of the prophecies happening now and in future times.

Camping is available, and there are hotels near by. All housing and meals are left up to the individual. The road up to the trees requires a good working car with high ground clearance. The location is 3.5 hours North from Los Angeles. 


Marza Millar works and specializes in Vibrational Biodynamic Medicines, Geopathics, Geomancy, Energy Frequency Healing, Vibrational Medicines, and Shamanic Healing for the last 40 years, while teaching nationally and internationally.

Owner and formulator of a Biodynamic Vibrational Medicine line called Rebel Alchemy & owner of a non-profit organization, Ancient Earth Apothecary located at Nevada City, Ca. The Apothecary serves a dual purpose. One of a full frequency healing Clinic – Ancient Earth Apothecary Wellness with AmpCoil, Scalar Wave, Vibrational waters, Bio-tuning, crystal bowl sound bath and pyramid energy alignment. The other that of a School for people interested learning to be healers. It teaches about Alchemical and Shamanic healing, Vibrational medicine, and Clinical Herbalism, additionally offering Sweat Lodge, Vision Quest and Medicine teachings within the Sun Clan Tradition.


with Marza Millar

July 23-25, 2021